Home Lol 36 Cringey Text Messages That Hurt To Read, Posted On This Page

36 Cringey Text Messages That Hurt To Read, Posted On This Page


There’s something about asterisks in a text message that causes a very high probability of annoying the person who receives it—partly because putting this seemingly innocent typographical symbol * is about being extra. Like, telling what’s in the back of your mind without uttering it, revealing your inner emotions that nobody really wants to know, and worst, *nodding the head* to creep the heck out of the recipient. Yep, some asterisks are seriously chilling.

The Reddit community r/CreepyAsterisks2 has been documenting the most absurd, cringey, and plain scary asterisks screenshotted in text messages.

From *sigh*-inducing pickup lines to plain bizarre cases of expressing one’s motion in text, like *leaning closer,* this subreddit is the uncharted terrain of the kind of messaging style that doesn’t work that well for communicating. So let’s see some of the most cringe-inducing examples that will make you curl up like Arby’s curly fries.